Aniruddh Mohan

Aniruddh Mohan

Research Scientist

Princeton University

Welcome to my website. I do have a standard bio but it explains little about who I am, what I do, and why. To find out more about those things, see below. If you want the boilerplate summary covering positions, awards, and accomplishments, please click here.

My research concerns the energy transition. My connection with energy and environmental issues started early, growing up in India experiencing power outages and air pollution. Entering university, I had a wide range of interests. I chose to study engineering to build an analytical and quantitative foundation that will help me unpack problems. This has served me well. After a few years of energy and climate research, I decided to upgrade my analytical toolkit. I did an interdisciplinary PhD from Carnegie Mellon in Engineering & Public Policy where I sharpened my modelling skills while also learning how engineers can best leverage technical depth in informing the policy process.

In my day to day, I evaluate the role of emerging technologies for decarbonization at a systems-level, how public policy should shape their deployment, and the implications of such transitions. I draw on tools such as optimization and agent-based modelling and work across sectors like electricity, carbon removal, and transportation. I often collaborate with colleagues outside engineering, for e.g. in physics or in economics. Maintaining rigor and intellectual depth across new frontiers is demanding. I find the process worth it, because I believe such work produces novel insights, of use to both other researchers and the broader public. I have also been lucky to learn from some fantastic mentors. I hope I can pass that forward.

Selected Publications

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Ride-hailing technology mitigates effects of driver racial discrimination, but effects of residential segregation persist. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2024.

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Automation and electrification in long-haul trucking cuts urban health and environmental damages. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2024.

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Taking stock of carbon dioxide removal policy in emerging economies: developments in Brazil, China, and India. Climate Policy, 2024.

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Measuring global monetary damages from particulate matter and carbon dioxide emissions to track sustainable growth. Communications Earth & Environment, 2024.

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